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Tried & True Original Wood Finish

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Found in Departments: Gifts for the Environmentally Aware Woodworker
  Oils, Varnishes and Lacquers
  Tried & True
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Tried & True Original Wood Finishplay video

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There are many great reasons to choose Tried & True finishes. They are made up of all-natural, renewable ingredients without solvents and metallic driers -- with zero VOC! The system is based upon polymerized linseed oil that protects wood while simultaneously remaining safe for people, plants and pets. Tried & True leaves a satin finish that is both protective and elegant.

But perhaps these reasons give short shrift to some of the appeal for many woodworkers. They love that Tried & True uses 18th century time-tested techniques. They also love the honeyed consistency that makes enjoy not only the Tried & True product, but also the process involved.

Tried & True Original Wood Finish, the most popular finish in the Tried & True line,is a combination of polymerized linseed oil with beeswax. It’s a particularly good choice choice for butcher blocks, cutting boards, counter tops, baby toys and other projects that could benefit from water protection and food safety.

Because it’s very easy to apply and repair, Original is a great introduction to natural finishes.

Tried & True’s founder was fond of saying, “If you’re using any, you’re using enough.” A small amount of the finish goes a very long way -- making it surprisingly economical. The absence of added solvents translates into a better coverage rate than standard finishes. Tried & True recommends using a rag rather than a brush for all of its finishes so that you could limit quantities during the application process.

Tried & True Original can also be used as a top over Tried & True Danish Oil and Tried & True Varnish for extra protection against liquid damage. Because it contains beeswax, it should be the last finish you apply to the surface. Only other wax based finishes will bond over the top of this product.

Choice of three sizes. Made in the USA. Food and skin contact safe.

Ground shipping only.

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Customer Reviews:
Use it LAST!
By: Kathy B (Jun, 2022)
This may be a great product but follow the directions. Someone finished a kitchen island with this product ONLY. It’s not suitable for a kitchen finish. It’s not possible to remove. It’s turned into a nightmare. If you’re going to use it, put it on top of something else like oil or varnish. Don’t just read the directions on the can. Do some research and be sure that’s what you want. My person skipped that step.
I own this product.

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