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Liberon Wax and Polish Remover

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Liberon Finishing Supplies
Found in Departments: Finish Restoration, Repair, and Touch-up
  Liberon Finishing Supplies
Liberon Wax and Polish RemoverLiberon Wax and Polish Removercancelleft arrowright arrow

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Code: LB-0100.XX
 Wax & polish remover - 250ml ($29.30) In Stock
 Wax & polish remover - 500ml ($40.10) In Stock
Often the grimy ugliness of an old piece of furniture isn’t caused by any problem with the furniture itself, but because of the accumulation of wax and dirt . Many times you can easily and dramatically make an antique sparkle by just removing the accumulated wax, dirt and grime on the surface. This remover is a great way of doing just that without affecting most original hard finishes. You can then re-wax the furniture to a shiny sparkle. This remover is also ideal for removing bloom marks from waxed surfaces. Made in England.
Domestic Ground shipment only (cannot be shipped by air).
For a copy of the safety data sheet (MSDS sheet) for this item - click here

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