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Peter Benson Detail Carving Chisels and Gouges

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Found in Departments: Ashley Iles - Peter Benson Detail Tools
Peter Benson Detail Carving Chisels and GougesPeter Benson Detail Carving Chisels and Gougescancelleft arrowright arrow

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Code: IL-PB.XX
 No. 1 Straight Chisel - 3/16" ($29.95) In Stock
No. 1 Straight Chisel - 1/4" ($29.95) Not available
(click here to Email Me When Available)
No. 1 Straight Chisel - 5/16" ($29.95) Not available
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 No. 2 Skew (corner) Chisel - 3/16" ($29.95) In Stock
 No. 2 Skew (corner) Chisel - 1/4" ($29.95) In Stock
 No. 2 Skew (corner) Chisel - 5/16" ($29.95) In Stock
No.3 Straight Gouge - 1/8" ($32.95) Not available
(click here to Email Me When Available)
No.3 Straight Gouge - 1/4" ($32.95) Not available
(click here to Email Me When Available)
No.3 Straight Gouge - 3/8" ($32.95) Not available
(click here to Email Me When Available)
No. 4 Straight Gouge - 3/16" ($32.95) Not available
(click here to Email Me When Available)
 No. 4 Straight Gouge - 5/16" ($32.95) In Stock
 No. 4 Left Skew (corner) Gouge - 5/16" ($32.95) In Stock
No. 4 Right Skew (corner) Gouge - 5/16" ($32.95) Not available
(click here to Email Me When Available)
 No. 5 Straight Gouge - 5/16" ($32.95) In Stock
No. 18 Curved Gouge (#9 sweep) - 1/16" ($32.95) Not available
(click here to Email Me When Available)
No. 18 Curved Gouge (#9 sweep) - 1/8" ($32.95) Not available
(click here to Email Me When Available)
 No. 20 Curved Gouge (#11 sweep) - 3/16" ($32.95) In Stock
Designed by Peter Benson, Chairman of the British Woodcarvers Association, this range of beautiful miniature carving tools opens up a whole new world of possibilities. Made by Ashley Iles, they are forged, ground and hardened to exactly the same standards as the larger tools and are an absolute delight to use. Unlike most miniature carving tools on the market you will find that because these tools are forged they are fairly heavy and rigid for their size. They feel very solid in use. As you can see in the photo the flatter gouges are all fishtail in style for more versatility in these small sizes.

For more information on Ashley Iles tools Click here.

For a guide to the different types of carving tools Click here.

4" handles. Approximately 6 1/4" overall. Sharp and ready to use. Made in England.
"The Peter Benson Detail Selection really is remarkable and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend these for fine, detailed work." Michelle Robertson, Editor, Woodcarving Magazine, Issue 108 p57
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Customer Reviews:for an average rating of:
By: Gary Blasingame (Nov, 2019)
Recieved my new Peter Benson tools yesterday ordered Wed received Sat great service. Tools surpassed my expectations. Great tools I highly recommend 5 stars
Micro carver tools take note
By: Joseph LaPenne (Nov, 2019)
For the carvers using Dockyard or other micro carving tools these feel solid whereas Dockyard tools (I own most of them) feel too light somehow. And micro fishtails? Now why would any carver prefer using fishtails? Some tools you just love. I have eight Benson tools and am ordering three more as of this writing.
I own this product.
By: Robert Squarebriggs (Dec, 2018)
These are my "go to" tools, I use them more than any other tools in my collection and they excel in comfort, sharpness retention and variety. They fit in the hand beautifully and are a joy to use.
I own this product.

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