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Quercus Magazine

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Quercus Magazine is an exciting magazine devoted to hand woodworking edited by Nick Gibbs, a veteran of several British woodworking magazines. Quercus, which bears the slogan, “Working Wood by Hand,” is crammed with interesting topics and ideas that will appeal to anyone interested in greenwoodwork, sloyd, spoonmaking, chairmaking, carving, and traditional crafts.

We are saddened that Nick has announced that Issue 21 is the final issue. We congratulate him and all is supporters, authors and patrons on a splendid and meaningful achievement - with the hope that farewell is not forever. And we are very honored that Tools for Working Wood was featured in Quercus' final issue.

Listed above by tab is a summary of each issue. Yes, each issue is positively packed with information! The magazine features contributors from Britain and all over the world. Many of the contributors have lively social media presences but the magazine also incorporates material from established British woodworking magazines. Quercus also features a very robust “Letters, Comments & Ideas” section.

The magazine is rich with full-color photos, but its cost is kept down by its paper - thin and recycled. This gives the magazine an immediacy and approachability that you’ll enjoy. Quercus was launched as a quarterly publication but becaue of its success is now a bi-monthly publication. 64 pages with zero ads.

Issue 21 (Winter 2023) - Table of Contents

  • Profile of Aspen Golann, founder of The Chairmakers Toolbox, a non-profit that offers free classes, mentorship and tools for emerging woodworkers
  • Converting a spokeshave into a travisher by Ben Groenevelt
  • Highlights from
  • Have you considered teaching a woodworking class? Being inspired by Derek Jones’ “Build a Cricket Table” courses to teach one myself by John Menard
  • Thoughtful approaches to learning how to learn by Bill Ratcliffe
  • Replacing my neighbors’ ugly plastic windows using traditional construction techniques and modern materials and machinery by Richard Arnold
  • A closer look at a folding chair designed by Toby Watson, a prize-winning student at Rycotewood Furniture Centre in Oxford
  • John Makepeace’s “Serenade” scorched oak chest of drawers
  • Battle of the “Best Aprons” with Nick Gibbs and The Armchair Woodworkie
  • The history of cricket tables by Derek Jones
  • Using traditional Japanese wooden construction techniques to build a wooden jungle gym by Dylan Iwakuni
  • Tips for milling a magnificent felled oak by Barbara Roberts
  • Profile of Pathcarvers, an inclusive community organization that teaches traditional crafts and creative arts
  • Noted: The Lost Trades Fair, an Australian celebration of skill & craftsmanship
  • Exploring hand tools for rabbeting by Robin Gates
  • Refurbishing a forgotten two-person crosscut saw by Henrie van Rooij
  • Practicing Gary Rogowski’s “Five-Minute Dovetail” exercise by John Lloyd
  • Book review: Dr. Jeffery Hill’s “Workshop Wound Care,” a pocket-sized emergency guide, by David Honey
  • Book review: Joshua Klein’s “Worked,” by Rex Krueger
  • Interview with Edward Bouvier, The Village Woodwright, about building a special workshop for teaching woodworking to children
  • Profile of Peter Quin and the Furniture Craft School (FCS), based in a National Trust building at Scotney Castle
  • Basic knife grips for chip carving by Jogge Sundqvist
  • Cutting letters and numbers in chip carved signs by Jogge Sundqvist
  • Carving with a nankin kanna, a unique Japanese-style spokeshave, by Masashi Kutsuwa
  • Celebrating pearwood, a particularly marvelous fruitwood, by David Savage
  • The satisfaction of hand tool woodworking by Roland Eugster
  • Making a Thicknessing Jig by Roland Eugster
  • Highlights of Handworks 2023
  • Tool Review: Blue Spruce’s new Optima Chisel Plan by Ian Parker
  • A visit to the Lee Valley booth at Handworks
  • Product review: SmartButt hinges
  • Product review: Gramercy Tools Spoonmaker’s Drawknife (spoiler alert: a rave! “Love at first shave”) by Nick Gibbs
  • Introduction to the Gramercy Tools Folding Treadle Lathe by Joel Moskowitz (shameless plug: to learn more about the lathe, please go to the product page for the Folding Treadle Lathe)
  • Profile of Rex Krueger and Compass Rose Toolworks
  • Product review: Hillview Wood and Metal 4 Inch Bevel by Ethan Sincox (The Kilted Woodworker)
  • A few ways of handling PVA squeeze-out by Charles Mak
  • Farewell and thanks by Nick Gibbs - yes, very sad to say this is the final issue of Quercus
Related Blog Entries:
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Customer Reviews:for an average rating of:
Completely Unbiased Opinion
By: Ethan Sincox (Feb, 2023)
Quercus Magazine is one of the best things to happen to the Woodworking community in YEARS. Every issue is full of useful information, and not just topics and articles that have been rehashed for years! Just off the top of my head, there have been interesting articles on beading tools, shop lamps, cigar shaves, marking knives, marking gauges, and bog oak! I've heard there's even a great article on slotted screws coming in the next issue (17)! How exciting! It is full of fresh insight from woodworkers around the world! I really love that Quercus is a British magazine, but the publishers have worked to make it more easily accessible to us North American common-folk by offering issues through places like LV and TFWW! Thank you, Joel. It is appreciated maybe more than you will ever know. You should definitely check out this magazine if you want to advance your woodworking knowledge!
I own this product.
By: Gary Peterson (Apr, 2021)
thank you so much for my ability to catch up on the new Quercus Magazine, now I only need issue 2. Joel how are you and are you guys still in the Bronx in that 3rd, ? , or 4th floor of that so interesting building. (2013)? Truly yours for the passion of trees, woods,and Godly designs in them, Gary Peterson,(sneaky pete) Army Vet and supporter of Rob Cosman's PHP, you tube every other Saturday..... Be safe up there, and away from Covid, In HIM, Gary

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