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The Boy Joiner and Model Maker

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Code: AQ-1144
Price: $16.95
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by E. A. Davidson

All hail the industrious woodworking youngsters of the 19th century! This enchanting and practical guide, originally published in 1874, offers these adept lads what its author calls, in the book�s subtitle, "Practical Directions for Making Numerous Articles for Use and Ornament, Mechanical Toys, Models, &c; With Descriptions of Various Tools, and the Method of Using Them."

Learn how to build a small summer-house; model bridges, tables, bookshelves, gates, desks, dog kennels, and chests, along with specific woodworking skills like veneering and lengthening timber.

The book aims to enlighten and entertain even as it strives to instill virtue and industry in its young readers.

It�s a very handsome volume, with nearly 200 illustrations, a pleasing typeface and a charming authorial tone. The projects are a pretty varied lot, ranging from the simple to the very ambitious. While there is some basic instruction on how to do things, the author expects some familiarity with tools. It is however a great font of ideas and a starting point for lots of projects that you might not ordinarily attempt. We found the book a lot of fun. Incidentally the cover, which is a faithful restoration of the original is one of the cooler woodworking book covers ever. As a bonus, the detailed booklist from Cassell, Petter & Galpin, the original publishers, provides a fascinating window into the era�s recommended books for wholesome and hardworking families.

For a sample of a few pages of the book. Please click here.

Softcover, 227 pages.

Pages: 211
Binding: TP
Publisher: BT&C Books

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