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JOEL Joel's Blog

Do a Favor for Your Non-woodworking Friends - Sharpen Their Kitchen Knives


Do a Favor for Your Non-woodworking Friends - Sharpen Their Kitchen Knives 1
An occupational / avocational hazard many of us have faced as woodworkers: a request to make a piece of furniture. It might be for a significant birthday present; it might be for payment (or not). “It’s just a stool” (or picture frame, or jewelry box, or bench - to be fair, it typically isn’t a Queen Anne Highboy. In other words, it’s a reasonable “ask” - except it’s sometimes hard to make the time and space and effort to make it.

There are many factors driving the interest in spoon carving, but surely the relative speed, space demands, material demands, skill demands, etc. of making a spoon versus making a piece of furniture helps promote spoon-making. The joys of creation and the joys of gifting meet the joy of (relatively) immediate gratification!

But if you don’t want to make a spoon, or if your intended recipient doesn’t need or want your spoon, you can give another gift that uses your hard-won skills: knife sharpening.

A friend who took a cooking class brought her newly-sharpened chef’s knife (her knife; my gift of sharpening) to class. She immediately got a gold star from her teacher. “A woodworker did this! They really know what sharp means!” The teacher then devoted 10 unscripted minutes of the class to talk about sharpening and its importance in making culinary prep easier.

If you have chisels and plane blades, I hope you have learned to sharpen them. What about your kitchen knives? They work best when sharp too!

It's beyond the scope of this blog entry to go through all the lessons and things you need to know to specifically sharpen knives. But basically it's exactly the same skill you would use in sharpening your other blades. But - even better - kitchen knives are typically cutting softer material than wood and therefore they don't need to be as sharp as woodworking tools.

In woodworking we aim for that glass smooth edge. The smoother the edge, the fewer scratches, the longer the edge will last. That's because wood offers a fair amount of resistance to cutting, which stresses the blades. With cutting food, on the other hand, you can actually get away with a fairly coarse edge. A sawtooth can slice away at a piece of meat even when it isn’t super sharp. You can get a lot of use out of a second- rate serrated knife. You even see serrated knives recommended for delicate cutting tasks such as cutting a tomato because a dull serrated knife will do a much better job getting past the tomato’s skin than a dull chef’s knife does. But on a delicate piece of fish the sawtooth will grab and tear. Kitchen knives also can quickly get dull because they get pushed against cutting boards, which is bad for the edge. (BTW plastic cutting boards are just deadly against a sharp edge.)

As is true with saws, even poorly sharpened knives will cut better than dull knives.

In the pictures I am sharpening several kitchen knives. The series of stones I am using are 400 grit (to bring up a wire edge); 1200 grit (to start chasing the edge); and 5000 grit (to finish and polish the edge). I then strop with newspaper. Why do I use that sequence of stones? In the shop I would use diamond stones; here I am using some older waterstones that I don’t use for woodworking anymore - so I might as well use them in the kitchen. Although diamond stones are faster, everything works. When I am feeling lazy I skip the 5000 grit, but I find I get a better result at 5K. I used to add a 10K grit stone, but that seemed like overkill - an impressive edge, but it didn’t last.

Sharp tools, whether sharp kitchen knives or sharp chisels, not only make the work easier, it opens new possibilities in doing the work. Imagine the difference using a sharp knife that doesn’t slip and cuts where you intend to cut. Such a tool makes any cook appear more skillful and inspires more complex and potentially rewarding work.

I began this blog entry describing sharpening as a skill that you could offer to others because most of the users of kitchen knives have no idea how to sharpen them. Most of the advice I have seen on-line on newspaper cooking sections or mass market cooking sites is actively bad. But to be fair, the writers of these articles seem to not know what "sharp" actually means, or in the alternative, they do not regard sharpening skills in the same way they regard cooking skills: while they will spend decades learning to cook an omelet in a reliably excellent way, they think mastering a basic mechanical non-cooking skill is either beyond them or not worth learning how to do consistently. The standard advice seems to center on using honing steel or some gadget that shaves metal off, or something electric that holds the blade at a special angle. The main problem with honing steels is that they don’t remove metal so much as push it around. Over time the bevel will become steeper and therefore less able to do its work. Hand gadgets that shave metal off work, but not without effort and care. Electric knife sharpeners, at least the good ones, work better, but they do take off more metal and do not get to nearly the same level of polish you can get to by hand. Depending on the machine, the knife may also end up with a more fragile edge.

But the most satisfying aspect of knife sharpening by hand may not be the end result, but rather the wonder of using your unusual skills to do something nice for someone else. Even if you can’t present someone with a custom bookshelf, you can still use your talents as a woodworker to give them a useful and appreciated gift.

Do a Favor for Your Non-woodworking Friends - Sharpen Their Kitchen Knives 2
Join the conversation
01/22/2025 Andrew Byerly
All of this is true! But I still like to provide my wife with well sharpened cutlery in exchange for BLT's made from home smoked bacon and home grown tomatoes....She is still waiting for her Highboy.....I just finished lunch!
01/22/2025 Richard Dort
Good morning, Joel, I once sharpened a knife for a neighbor and she wouldn't let me so anymore as she was scared of the edge. Please explain more about stropping with newspaper. I have never heard of this. I am a happy customer of your.
01/22/2025 Michael O’Brien
Thanks Joel. Good thoughts. I have friends who are very good cooks, but usually their kitchen knives are quite dull. As a woodworker, I dislike dull edge tools of any kind, so I politely offer to sharpen my friend’s knives, but unfortunately some think their knives are already sharp. Those that accept my offer are awed by what a sharp knife really is. Note: I always alert my wife when I have freshly sharpened our kitchen cutlery.
Good question! I just started writing a blog on the technique. "Kitchen knife sharpening for woodworkers. "
01/22/2025 Joe Jankowski
When my daughter was in HS, she mentioned to me that when she visited friends, she found their knives not sharp like ours are. I thought that was great that she noticed and it is true. Now she is in college living in a shared house with 6 other girls. Everytime I visit, I sharpen about 10 kitchen knives even though most of the blades are low quality, they now ask my kid when I'll be back because the knives need a touch up. I use 2-3 waterstones. 200 (occasionally), 700, and something higher like 2000. She sends a group text alerting the house members that the knives are sharp.
01/22/2025 Chris Kantarjiev
I learned to sharpen my Japanese knives before I became a woodworker ... is a good summary of what and who I learned from. This definitely gave me an advantage when I started sharpening for woodworking!

One thing to recognize is that different steels benefit from different finishes - I use a higher grit polish on my carbon steel knives than I do on "stainless".
I agree with you. The video isn't bad. I do however find it a lot fussier than works for me. I studied under a Master Japanese Knife sharpener and his methodology is far more straightforward. But everything works. Incidentally instead of using a fancy stone holder to keep the stone from moving about he used a wet kitchen towel. I use a paper towel. Works fine.
01/22/2025 Jesse Griggs
Great entry! I completely agree! Once I learned what sharp really is through sharpening chisels and plane irons, sharpening knives was easy. For knives, I have settled on using diamond steels. 1 is I think about 600 grit, the other is 1200. I sometimes finish up with a burnisher (and rarely I will strop with green honing compound). I tried using stones and those worked but i get more consistant results much faster with the steels. In my early days trying to learn to sharpen knives, I watched some youtube videos and was bemused when the presenter (who, to be fare, clearly showed a well sharpened knife) touted a renouned Japanese chef who regularly spent several hours sharpening his chef knives with his waterstones. I immediately thought, must be starting with too high a grit. Sharpening (even a fairly dull knife) should only take a few minutes (seconds if you're just honing and maintaining a good edge).
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