| | 09/28/2010 | I have been just swamped with getting ready for Woodworking in America (WIA), getting a new catalog ready for the printer (it's not), accustoming my kid and everyone in the family to kindergarten and more important the waking up and going to bed early of the school year. Also last week saw the release of new browse feature and yesterday, after eleven years, we changed the product display.
But wait there's more!!!!
Starting October first the new Festool vacuums will be available. The Festool fall promotion starts and for two months you can get 10% off on the 2200 Router (a top rated monster of a router) and the MFK 700 router which is the cat's pajamas of laminate trimmers that not only works on its edge but also on its side). Click the product links for more information. The %10 off promo can be combined with vacuum packages. The discounts will magically show up on the website on October 1.
But wait there's even more!!!
Even if you aren't registered for WIA you can peruse the marketplace for only five bucks admission. It's actually seven bucks but if you click on the two buck off coupon here it's five bucks. It's a huge show with some 70 top-notch vendors. There are some great door prizes including a set of our new top-rated brushes for waterborne finishes. And once you are there we are sponsoring the Festool booth with demonstrations by none other than Brian Sedgeley, Festool's top demo guy in the whole country. By the way, just to sweeten the deal, on Saturday (I don't know what time yet) Brian is doing a special seminar which is open to everyone called "Building a Flat-panel Shaker Door". I'm giving a demonstration lesson on free-hand sharpening on Friday but again I don't know exactly when.
See you there!
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