I have not updated this blog in several weeks, mostly because I am swamped getting new stuff out the door, and partially because I needed a summer vacation. I also figured that folks would rather have fewer better entries than more musings on navel gazing.
Last year we bit off more than we could chew and only now products are coming on line in quantity. Saw vises are back in stock. We have a good inventory, but increased costs means the price will go up in the fall.
Sash saw kits: Planned for last fall but other tasks pushed it back. I am happy to say, sash saw kits are here, in stock, and ready to ship.
Dovetail saws are in short supply but we have stock and they are drifting in. The big problem in the saw department has been carcase saws, we have kits but no finished saws. There is a handle shortage going on. I expect that to be resolved by the fall but it's annoying right now. Finished sash saws are coming in slowly. |
We just got in new Ashley Iles carbon steel turning tools, designed especially for pole and treadle lathes where tool sharpness is critical. Read more here. |
From Ashley Iles we also are pleased to announce their line of Peter Benson detail carving tools. These are tiny carving tools for small work, but in the Ashley Iles tradition, they are hand forged, rock solid, and very well made.
Next week I expect to be able to announce the beginning of BT&C Books, our new publishing label and some new products that we are selling wholesale.