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These pictures are of the carvings that form part of the exterior of the Lockwood de Forest residence at 7 East 10th Street in New York City. Built between 1887 and 1888, these are unfinished teak carvings that are now over a century old. For more information about the building itself check out the blog I wrote in 2008.
The pictures in this blog are in medium resolution. If you like the pictures, feel free to click on the links to download pretty high res versions (for up to about a 14" printed picture) for your own use. The pictures also might make a nice screen saver or the like.
Response to these images has been great! If you have the urge for a larger print of any of the pictures in the photo blog series, the source material I have can be used to print even larger images - up to 36" - than the free download file size. Click here for available prints. Large prints of tools might go really well in an office or business settings. I certainly would find tools are more interesting to look at than yet another picture of a the New York skyline (not that it isn't lovely).

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