We will be out in full force at this year's Third Ward LN Hand Tool Show. Tim is bringing his treadle lathe and you will be able to have a whack at treadle turning if you wish. As you can see in the photo the lathe uses live centers instead of dead ones for a more efficient footwork. This is what happens when tool makers make their own thousand year old hand tool device. We will also have all the Gramercy Tool tools for inspection and purchase, our new US made Vises, new world famous totebags and free hard copies of Modern Edge Tools. For the first time since we are doing the show we will be able to take credit cards and we will have some merchandise available for cash and carry.
The show run: Friday, January 4th, 2013 from 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM and Saturday, January 5th, 2013 from 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM.
Our host is 3rd Ward, a multi-disciplinary workspace and education center in Bushwich, Brooklyn.
In addition to a gleaming new booth, we will be bringing tools for demo's, our treadle lathe for you to try, and donating 15% of our total show sales to Hurricane Sandy Relief.
It has been over a month since Hurricane Sandy made headlines, but there are still those for whom the storms impact is still keenly felt. Tools for Working Wood will be donating 15% of our total sales from the show to Occupy: Sandy Relief.
If you can't make the show and would like to volunteer, donate or get involved in the ongoing recovery effort check out: interoccupy.net/occupysandy In their own words "Occupy Sandy is a coordinated relief effort to help distribute resources & volunteers to help neighborhoods and people affected by Hurricane Sandy."