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Tools for Working Wood
Invest in your craft. Invest in yourself.

Same Day Delivery

Same day delivery is as SIMPLE as 1-2-3

  1. Place an order, online or over the phone or ON your phone via our Mobile site. Select same day shipping.
  2. We give you a call to confirm your order.
  3. Within 2-4 hours your order is delivered, and signed for!

Same day shipping policy:

  • Same Day Delivery charges are $39 for orders over $85 and $60 for smaller orders.
  • Orders placed between 9am and 4pm Monday through Friday (Less Holidays) will be delivered within about 2-4 hours. Orders placed the night before, on weekends, holidays or outside business hours, will be delivered between 11am to 1 pm the first business day.
  • You must be available to sign for the package. If no one is available, the package will be returned to us and you will be charged for the delivery attempt, as well as the return trip back to our warehouse.
  • When you place your order please select payment via credit or debit card, or apply a gift certificate if you have one. At this time we are unable to delivery orders COD.
  • We will call you after you place your order to confirm same day delivery. If we can't get a hold of you, your order will be placed on hold until we can.
  • Our same day delivery rates cover Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Long Island City. If you're not within those areas - give us a call, we can delivery to the Bronx, Long Island, Staten Island, and New Jersey, but there may be an additional charge.
  • We can only same-day deliver items that are in stock.
  • Some oversized, and overweight items, such as router tables, and Festool rails over 8 feet, will cost more to deliver.
  • If you have special delivery instructions - for instance if your buzzer doesn't work - or the address is a job site - let us know so we can tell the driver.
  • In our experience most orders arrive within 1 to 2 hours, however due to traffic, weather, and other conditions outside our control, we cannot guarantee a specific delivery time. If you have special needs regarding delivery, please let us know, and we will work with you to find a shipping method that meets your needs.