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Tools for Working Wood
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Liberon Bison Paste Wax - Color Chart

Liberon Bison Wax is a premium soft furniture wax that can be used on raw wood as an easy and quick finish, or on top of any other finishing material for added protection and shine. Bison Wax is available in 15 shades.
(Please scroll down to see all the samples)

Neutral is the most popular wax and has no coloring. You can use it by itself or to add shine on top of any finish. Clear is also very popular. It has a very slight amber tint. For most woods Clear gives a touch more character than Neutral.

Raw Wood
Black Bison Wax Color Chart 1
Golden Pine
Stripped Pine
Antique Pine
Black Bison Wax Color Chart 2
Black Bison Wax Color Chart 3
Medium Oak
Dark Oak
Medium Mahogany
Victorian Mahogany
Black Bison Wax Color Chart 4
Georgian Mahogany
Tudor Oak

All the samples were first sanded using 220 grit Norton 3X Sandpaper. Three coats of wax were sparingly applied using Liberon 0000 Steel Wool. The wood was buffed with a cotton cloth about 10 minutes after each coat of wax was applied.