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FastCap 2P-10 Adhesive

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  Glue and Adhesives
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FastCap 2P-10 AdhesiveFastCap 2P-10 Adhesivecancelleft arrowright arrow
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FastCap 2P-10 Adhesiveplay video

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Code: FA-2P10.XX
2P-10 Kit - Thin, Medium, Thick and Jel adhesives, Activator, Debonder and accessories alt="2P-10 Kit - Thin, Medium, Thick and Jel adhesives, Activator, Debonder and accessories"cancel 2P-10 Kit - Thin, Medium, Thick and Jel adhesives, Activator, Debonder and accessories ($36.30) In Stock
2P-10 Solo Kit with 2.25 oz Thick + 12 oz Activator alt="2P-10 Solo Kit with 2.25 oz Thick + 12 oz Activator"cancel 2P-10 Solo Kit with 2.25 oz Thick + 12 oz Activator ($21.78) In Stock
2P-10 Jel - 2 oz alt="2P-10 Jel - 2 oz"cancel 2P-10 Jel - 2 oz ($12.10) In Stock
 2P-10 Jel - 10 oz with Multi-Tip Cap ($47.19) In Stock
2P-10 Rubber Toughened Jel - 2.25 oz alt="2P-10 Rubber Toughened Jel - 2.25 oz"cancel 2P-10 Rubber Toughened Jel - 2.25 oz ($14.52) In Stock
2P-10 Thin - 2 oz alt="2P-10 Thin - 2 oz"cancel 2P-10 Thin - 2 oz ($9.68) In Stock
 2P-10 Thin - 10 oz with Multi-Tip Cap ($35.09) In Stock
2P-10 Medium - 2.25 oz alt="2P-10 Medium - 2.25 oz"cancel 2P-10 Medium - 2.25 oz ($9.68) In Stock
 2P-10 Medium - 10 oz with Multi-Tip Cap ($35.09) In Stock
2P-10 Thick - 2.25 oz alt="2P-10 Thick - 2.25 oz"cancel 2P-10 Thick - 2.25 oz ($9.68) In Stock
 2P-10 Thick - 10 oz with Multi-Tip Cap ($35.09) In Stock
2P-10 Rubber Toughened Thick - 2.25 oz alt="2P-10 Rubber Toughened Thick - 2.25 oz"cancel2P-10 Rubber Toughened Thick - 2.25 oz ($11.62) Not available
(click here to Email Me When Available)
 2P-10 Activator 2 oz ($9.68) In Stock
2P-10 Activator with spray top - 2 oz alt="2P-10 Activator with spray top - 2 oz"cancel 2P-10 Activator with spray top - 2 oz ($9.68) In Stock
2P-10 Activator Spray Can - 10 oz ($13.90) Not available
(click here to Email Me When Available)
2P-10 Activator Spray Can - 12 oz alt="2P-10 Activator Spray Can - 12 oz"cancel 2P-10 Activator Spray Can - 12 oz ($14.52) In Stock
2P-10 Debonder - 2 oz alt="2P-10 Debonder - 2 oz"cancel 2P-10 Debonder - 2 oz ($9.68) In Stock
2P-10 Micro-Tips for 2.25 oz bottles (25-pack) alt="2P-10 Micro-Tips for 2.25 oz bottles (25-pack)"cancel 2P-10 Micro-Tips for 2.25 oz bottles (25-pack) ($7.85) In Stock
2P-10 Caddy for 12 oz Activator & 10 oz. Adhesive alt="2P-10 Caddy for 12 oz Activator & 10 oz. Adhesive"cancel 2P-10 Caddy for 12 oz Activator & 10 oz. Adhesive ($9.08) In Stock
Fastcap 2P-10 adhesive draws its name from its process: 2 parts, 10 seconds. Apply the adhesive, spray the activator and stick it together to get a very lasting, strong bond in 10 seconds. Plywood, melamine, you name it --- 2P-10 can be used on any material that is clean with a surface that is oil free.

To use, get a bit of glue on the surface, rub it in a bit, then give a quick spray of the activator on the other surface to be adhered. Hold together for 10 seconds and prepare yourself to be astonished. Any excess glue can be dissolved and cleaned up with the Debonder.

The 2P-10 line includes different adhesives optimized for specific uses:
  • Thin - to get into hairline cracks. Leaves zero glue line.

  • Medium - for filling cracks (up to 1/8 inch). Great on laminates.

  • Thick - for binding joints, filling holes and gaps

  • Rubber Toughened Thick - Same uses as regular Thick, but 10% stronger. The rubber provides elasticity to joints.

    • Jel - the no-drip formulation is great for trim carpentry and filling large gaps. Great for vertical surfaces.

    • Rubber Toughened Jel - Same uses as regular Jel, but 10% stronger. The rubber provides elasticity to joints

    • Thin, Thick, Medium and Jel are also available in 10 oz containers. These containers are topped by the Multi-Tip Cap, which includes the Pin Tip, Flexible Tip and Storage Dock.

      In addition, 2P-10 is also sold in kits.

      The Solo Kit consists of 2.25 oz size of Thick and a 12 oz size of Activator.

      The 2P-10 Kit consists of 2.25 oz size of Thin, Medium, Thick and Jel adhesives, a 2 oz Activator, 2 oz. Debonder and 5 microtips, 1 pump spray and 2 brushes.

      Ground shipping only.

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Customer Reviews:for an average rating of:
All but one are completely solid
By: Brian LaShomb (Mar, 2022)
Only bottle that didn’t seize up was the Thin. Huge waste of money.
I own this product.
By: Peter L van der Lugt (Oct, 2020)
I ordered this set about six months ago. I never opened any of the containers. I went to fix something yesterday, and the "thick" bottle of glue, is already a solid mass. It was never even opened. I would suspect that perhaps these are not as fresh as they need to be, to be kept at the ready for any length of time. And it is not a cheap kit. I expected better.
I own this product.

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