12/28/2016 |

Over Christmas I went upstate to the 30th wedding anniversary party of a boyhood friend and his wife. We haven't seen much of each other lately, and it was great catching up with him, his wife, and groups of friends (some of whom I haven't seen in 20 years). The emotional connection with people and the recognition of the passage of time are part of what makes us human.
For my friends' wedding I promised to make them a blanket chest for the foot of their bed. The plans were from an article in a Reader's Digest book written by my woodworking teacher. It wasn't a huge project by any standards. It took me two years!
"Did you see your chest?" my friend asked.
"No," I said, thinking it was in another room.
"There it is," he said, and pointed to it. And there it was. In the living room, not a bedroom. It was, as you might expect, "part of the furniture." Covered with stuff, and inside, they told me, filled with things they don't use much. The cherry has aged well, and while I have build many far more complicated pieces since, this was one of the earliest things I made. I was really touched seeing the piece. One of the great things for an amateur about building furniture is that you can give it away and people treasure it. Every day they get the reminder of a long-ago connection. Somewhere on the chest I signed and dated it and probably wrote that it was a wedding present. And I put the info under the finish so it will stay put.
Back to the present.
We are in discussions about what products should be add to the store in the coming year. How should we extend the Gramercy Tools and BT&C lines? We have some ideas ourselves, but I would sure welcome some ideas. What are some of the products you wished we made or wished we sold? Send me an email with your suggestions joel@toolsforworkingwood.com.
In order to make space for new stuff, we need to get rid of old stuff. You can see our sale items here. We are adding more and more as we clear out some of the old items. Currently there is a lot of clothing on heavy sale, but more and more tools are being added daily.
I also want to give you a heads up about pricing. We will be raising prices of most of the Gramercy Tools Saws on January 1 2017. We haven't raised pricing in a few years, and our rent has doubled, materials have gone up etc. If you order at the current pricing we will of course honor the price even if we are out of stock and have to ship you the saw later. We are spending this week going over each tool and figuring out out current costs. Rasp prices will stay the same. Brush prices might go up a little but not for awhile.
I wish all of you and your family and friends a happy and healthy New Year. May you all find that piece of scrap that is just the right size for your project, and cut on the waste side of the line.
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