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JOEL Joel's Blog

Vacation! (Time Off for Good Behavior)


We have always been open the Friday after Thanksgiving. Usually a few people take the day off, but I always show up. We get a jump on shipping and a few customers always wander by. This year, I showed up on the Friday after Thanksgiving in good time only to discover that the elevator was locked and there was NO HEAT. So I walked up the five flights and tried to work. Not only was it cold generally, but I could not get my fingers to work properly in the cold and I hurt my back in the process. After lying flat out on my workbench for a while, I went home in a taxi, all doped up. (I'm okay now - thanks for asking.)

Anyway, this was the first we heard of a commercial building that closed on non-federal holidays. So we asked about and the landlord kindly sent us a schedule of "Holidays" - days on which there will be no elevator, and, sometimes no heat.

We normally worked all days that FedEx had pickups, so this new schedule means a few more closed days. The semi-holiday days we were open was a chance for hobbyists who got the day off to come visit us. We are always closed on weekends because there is no heat, no elevator service and - most important - we all hate working weekends. The Tuesdays after a three day weekend are hard on the shipping department, but naturally the staff is ecstatic about the extra days off. We realize some customers might be inconvenienced, which we feel bad about, but I think we can agree that everyone needs a break, and an extra day to spend with family and friends is important - even for us retailers.

2008 Holiday Schedule

Date  No HeatNo ElevatorWe will be
January1New Year�s Day XXClosed
 21Martin Luther King�s DayXXClosed
February18Presidents Day X Sales Open Only
March21Good Friday XXClosed
May26 Memorial Day XXClosed
July4 Independence Day XClosed
September1Labor DayXXClosed
October13 Columbus DayX  ?
November 11Veterans DayX  ?
  27Thanksgiving DayX XClosed
  28  XXClosed
December25Christmas Day XXClosed

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12/17/2007 mark
Hmm.... Not wanting to work without the heat on. I can definitely understand that.

I assume you are open the Wednesday through Friday after Christmas this year? If so I plan on dropping by one of the days when I'm in town.

Yes, we will be open the 26th,27th,and 28th.
12/21/2007 JCL
Will you be open Monday the 24th?
Yes - although my guess is you should come earlier rather than later because in theory we should be open to 5:00 but who knows it we make it that long.
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