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Tools for Working Wood
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EVT Classes & Events

Sharpening Bonanza with Corn Schmid

Sat Feb 16 2019

Sharpening Bonanza with Corn Schmid 1 Sharpen any flat blade!

Recover a rusty old plane blade or prep a new chisel for a long happy life.

This hands-on class combines our popular grinding and sharpening classes into one day of sparks, slurry and stropping. This in-depth class will cover simple effective techniques to efficiently hollow grind and hone flat blades. We’ll have tools on hand to practice your technique, but you can also bring in your dull tools and we’ll see what we can do.

Cost including all tools and materials: $140. Participants get a $25 Tools for Working Wood gift certificate.
Update: Class has already been held.

Date: Saturday, February 16, 2019
Time: 11 - 4 PM
Location: Tools for Working Wood, 112 26th Street (R train to 25th Street, a few blocks away. Street parking available.)
Instructor: Corn Schmid
Cost: Class fee: $140. All students are given a TFWW gift certificate worth $25.

Parking is available on our block. The subway (R train to 25th street in Brooklyn) is only a few blocks away.

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